Posted on: July 24, 2020 |
Sunday 26th 13:00 LIVE Trans on Screen
Recently the documentary ‘Disclosure’ was launched on Netflix. A unique documentary, made by a predominantly transgender cast, that reflects critically on the representation of trans people throughout the years and the effects of these representations on their everyday lives. In this panel we delve into the topic of representation and the consequences, both positive and negative, that they can have.
Monday 27th 13:00 LIVE Trans Pride lecture Eliza Steinbock
Eliza Steinbock specializes in media research on trans representation and sexuality. This lecture is in English.
Wednesday 29th 14:00 LIVE Trans and Religion
A conversation with three trans persons about their religion and experiences in differing religious communities.
Thursday 30th 12:00 LIVE Trans Led Health Clinic
A conversation on the starting points and experiences of the Amsterdam trans clinic for and by transgender people.
Thursday 30th 13:00 LIVE TransCare during Corona
A conversation with Amsterdam trans organizations about their undertakings for the trans community in times of corona.