Filmtheater Kriterion
Roetersstraat 170
1018 WE Amsterdam
+31 20 623 1708
Wheelchair accessible / accessible toilet
Tickets: Normal: € 8,50
Cineville: Free
5-tickets: € 40,- (only at the box office)
Refugees and those on low income can approach one of the TranScreen crew (people with O-passes) for a free ticket
Rhijnspoorplein 1a
1091 GC Amsterdam
Entrance at the back on Wibauthof
Not accessible for electric wheelchair due to weight restrictions / stairlift present / accessible toilet
Tickets: donation at the door / registration via the website
We Are Queer Gym
Wagenaarstraat 336
1093 CZ Amsterdam
Wheelchair accessible / no accessible toilet
Tickets: Donation at the door / Registration via the website required